Climate Change

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Climate change refers to long-term alterations in weather patterns, lasting from decades to millions of years.

Climate change encompasses global warming but refers to broader changes happening to our planet.

These include rising sea levels, shrinking mountain glaciers, accelerating ice melt in Greenland, Antarctica and the Arctic, and shifts in flower/plant blooming times.

The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, mainly from burning fossil fuels, is the key factor driving global warming. This process significantly alters Earth’s temperature and weather patterns.

However, other factors like deforestation, land use changes, and various human activities contribute to the phenomenon.

The Earth’s temperature is rising, affecting ecosystems and societies worldwide. This results in more frequent extreme weather events, increasing sea levels, and altering wildlife populations and their habitats.

  • Example 1: The melting of polar ice due to rising temperatures is a significant sign of climate change.
  • Example 2: Droughts and heat waves are becoming more frequent and severe due to rising global temperatures and altered weather patterns.
  • Global Warming: Human activities that release greenhouse gases are driving global warming. This process disrupts global climate patterns and harms ecosystems and human health worldwide.
  • Greenhouse Effect: Traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere through gases like carbon dioxide, warming the planet. This process sustains life but can lead to global warming.
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