Sun Protection & Aftercare

The image representing the term 'Sunscreen' shows diverse sunscreen products like lotions, sprays, and sticks, with people of various ages applying them on a sunny beach.


Definition Sunscreen is a formulation applied to the skin to shield it from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. It lowers the chances of getting sunburned and suffering skin harm and long-term skin health issues like cancer. Expanded Explanation Sunscreens block or absorb UV radiation, preventing sunburn and skin damage. Chemical types absorb UV rays, turning […]

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Feature image for 'After Sun Moisturizer' post, depicting a tranquil beach scene at sunset. The scene includes a bottle of after-sun lotion and scattered aloe vera leaves, capturing the essence of skin care and relief following sun exposure. This visual perfectly aligns with the keyword 'after-sun moisturizer'.

After Sun Moisturizer

Definition An after-sun moisturizer is a skincare product specifically designed to soothe, hydrate, and replenish the skin after exposure to the sun. Expanded Explanation Excessive sun exposure can cause discomfort and damage. After the sun, moisturizers help alleviate redness, inflammation, and dryness. These products typically contain cooling and hydrating ingredients, like aloe vera, vitamin E,

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A person with sunburned skin feels discomfort under harsh sunlight, symbolizing the glossary term 'sunburn' with a vivid depiction of intense sun and beach setting.


Definition When exposed to excessive UV radiation from the sun or artificial sources, skin becomes prone to sunburns. This radiation can damage the skin, resulting in inflammation and redness. Therefore, it is crucial to protect the skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen and wearing protective clothing. Protecting yourself from harmful UV rays by

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The image of diverse people applying sunscreen under a bright sun symbolizes SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in different outdoor settings like beaches and parks, highlighting the universal need for sun protection without any words or text, perfectly encapsulating the concept of SPF.


Definition SPF measures protection from UVB, which causes sunburn and skin damage. Expanded Explanation When choosing a sunscreen product, it is crucial to consider the SPF rating. SPF is an acronym for Sun Protection Factor, which measures sunscreen’s protection against UVB rays. Excessive exposure to UVB rays can result in sunburns and heighten the likelihood

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