Environment and Sustainability

Protected Area

Definition A Protected Area is a clearly defined geographical space that is recognized, dedicated, and managed through legal or other effective means to achieve long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. Expanded Explanation Understanding Protected Areas Protected Areas are essential for the preservation of biodiversity as they provide habitats for plants […]

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What are Public Land Use Zones (PLUZs)

Definition Public Land Use Zones, commonly abbreviated as PLUZs, are designated areas of public land where specific land-use rules and regulations are implemented to manage recreational activities, protect ecological health, and minimize conflicts between different land users. Expanded Explanation Understanding PLUZs PLUZs are typically established by governmental or environmental authorities to ensure sustainable use and

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This image visually interprets the concept of 'Eco-friendly,' depicting a lush green landscape abundant with diverse plants and wildlife. Elements of green technology, such as solar panels and wind turbines, are subtly integrated into this natural setting, seamlessly blending with the environment. A focal point of the image is a person planting a tree, symbolizing active human efforts towards sustainability. Overall, the image captures the essence of minimizing environmental harm and promoting ecological sustainability, in line with the glossary definition of 'Eco-friendly.'


Definition What is eco-friendly? Products, practices, or behaviours that minimize environmental harm and promote sustainability. Expanded Explanation Eco-friendly refers to products and practices that support the planet’s well-being and reduce environmental negative impacts. This term is increasingly relevant in various industries, as consumers become more conscious of their ecological footprint. Sustainable Ingredients Eco-friendly products often

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Image featuring the word 'Sustainable' written in vibrant green, flourishing letters, set against a backdrop that includes imagery of the Earth, solar panels, wind turbines, and lush green trees. This visual serves as the feature image for a post centered around the keyword 'Sustainable', embodying the essence of environmental consciousness and renewable energy.


Definition What is Sustainable? Principles that meet the current needs while safeguarding future generations’ abilities to fulfill them. Expanded Explanation Sustainability is crucial in various industries, focusing on long-term ecological balance, responsible resource consumption, and reducing environmental impact. The term encompasses several aspects: sourcing, production, packaging, and waste management. Sustainable Sourcing Responsible sourcing involves procuring materials

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This image illustrates the concept of 'Recyclable Packaging,' featuring a variety of packaging materials like cardboard, glass, and plastic, all adorned with recycling symbols. The transformation of these materials into new products reduces waste and conserves resources. The image is set in an eco-friendly environment and focuses on the positive impact of recycling. It illustrates the importance of using recyclable packaging in all industries to minimize waste, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy.

Recyclable Packaging

Definition Recyclable Packaging are materials recycled to create new products, reducing waste and conserving resources. Expanded Explanation Recyclable packaging plays a crucial role in all industries, helping to minimize waste, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy. Its use reduces the production of new materials, lessens the environmental impact, and saves energy. Types of Recyclable

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This image shows biodegradable materials like leaves, paper and natural fibres decomposed by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms are artistically portrayed, actively breaking down the materials into natural elements. The scene highlights biodegradation and its role in reducing waste and environmental impact. Set in a serene natural setting, the image underscores the importance of biodegradable substances, especially in fields like skincare, for minimizing waste, pollution, and long-term environmental harm.


Definition Biodegradable: A property of materials that microorganisms can break down into natural elements, reducing waste and environmental impact. Expanded Explanation Biodegradable materials decompose naturally due to microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. This process converts them into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. Over time, these materials break down in the environment, leaving no harmful residues.

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An artistic depiction of organic ingredients showcasing a variety of fresh, vibrant produce such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. These are displayed against a backdrop of a lush organic farm, illustrating strict adherence to organic farming standards. The scene includes elements of biodiversity like bees and butterflies, emphasizing a commitment to environmental health and sustainable agriculture.

Organic Ingredients

Definition Organic ingredients are ingredients from living organisms, grown free from artificial chemicals, pesticides, or genetically engineered organisms, and adhering to strict organic farming standards. Expanded Explanation Organic ingredients refer to cultivated produce without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. They come from farming practices that prioritize environmental health. Many substances are obtained from natural sources, meaning

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