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Dialysis is a medical procedure that filters and purifies blood when the kidneys can’t perform this function adequately.

Expanded Explanation

Renal replacement therapy plays a crucial role in assisting kidneys, especially when they’re compromised due to diseases or injuries.


Renal therapy is life-saving for those with severe kidney issues, ensuring toxins are effectively removed from the bloodstream.

Types of Dialysis

  • Hemodialysis: This method filters blood outside the body using a machine and then returns the cleaned blood.
  • Peritoneal Dialysis: Using the patient’s peritoneum, this type cleans blood inside the body through a fluid exchange.

Context and Usage

Often, chronic kidney disease or acute kidney failures necessitate dialysis to prevent toxic build-ups in the body.


  • Hemodialysis in Clinical Setting: Typically, a patient visits a center where a machine filters their blood over several hours.
  • Home-Based Peritoneal Dialysis: Here, patients manage their renal therapy at home, periodically exchanging cleaning fluid in their abdomen.

Understanding Dialysis

Some believe renal therapy is only for the elderly, but it’s vital for anyone with significant kidney function loss.

Risks & Side Effects of Dialysis

Potential side effects include muscle cramps, infections, and occasional low blood pressure after sessions.

Life on Dialysis

Patients on dialysis often modify their diets, limiting certain foods and fluids, and have regular health checks.

  • Kidney Transplant: A surgical alternative to renal replacement therapy where a functioning kidney is transplanted into a patient.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease: A long-term condition where the kidneys slowly lose their function over time.

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External Resources

  • Frontiers: A comprehensive study detailing advancements in Peritoneal procedures.
  • PubMeb Central: This study examines patient experiences with community house hemodialysis in New Zealand to improve independent care delivery.

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